
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I am almost ready for bed

Ahhhh I am almost ready for bed

I love getting ready for bed

and I love waking up in the morning

I love my bunnies

and I love how I can make negative things so positive...

call it my cheer-attitude or general nature

Really the secret is my religion

My religion is LOVE. I love everything and everyone. I try to find love in every situation, good and bad. I use love to make people feel happy... and I use love to help people.

I love the power of love...

ok, I am going to snuggle up with the bunnies i love in my lovely bed time clothes

nighty night



  1. Someone once told me the harder it is to love the harder you have to try. like yesterday my dog tore up my japanese cloth diaper my friend got me and i was mad but then i rembered that and told him not to rip up anything else and gave him a big hug and know i have an excusse to try and make my own, so every thing works out with love, and i love waking up in the moring it sure beats not. and I hope you have a happy and wonderfull holiday session :)
    P.S. Those bunnies sure are lucky to have you :)

  2. ahhh I am sorry to hear your dog tore up your diaper cover :/
    but with love, i am sure everything will work out

    My bunnies are really lucky, I love them so much!!
