
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

hardcore during the day, soft and snuggly at night

oh, it is getting chilly here
luckily my cold is not so bad. I guess being in the best shape I have ever been helps A LOT. If I wasn't in shape I would be feeling miserable. But I am ok.

So I get to practice cheer, dance and be a hard core athlete during the day... Trust me, you would NOT believe how strong I have become! When I run, dance, stretch, do motions and jumps I am very hard core.

and then I get to come home and be a soft little baby girl as I sleep. I get to warmly snuggle up with my bunnies as I sleep with the protection and safety knowing that I will be safe in the morning. As for my bedwetting, it is not nearly as bad as it once was yes, but still from time to time I do wake up a little wet.

It could always be worse. I have a boss who caught a stomach bug in Thailand and has had problems with messing since. So my bed wetting is a blessing in comparison.

When I wake up, I snuggle a bit more and get ready. Then when I am ready I am little miss hardcore athlete again.

I kind of like this contrast in my life. It is much more interesting than just living the same thing day and night!!

what do you think?

Friday, November 19, 2010


Oh dear
it looks like I am coming down with a cold.

Last time I had a cold it wasn't really so bad, since I was getting in shape. I expect this cold to be pretty easy to take care off as well!

At least I have a little extra warmth in my diaper to make my sleeping a bit more comfortable. Diapering up is nice, when you are feeling a little under the weather.

ok, time to get some orange juice!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 years ago

Funny it has already been 2 years!

2 years since I started waking up a little wet in the morning...

and to think it will soon be my 2nd birthday since being, reborn to say the least.

I guess since I have been working out, my wetting hasn't been so bad. I got stronger, all over.

I have cheerleader legs now! 100% muscle! My hips are all gone and have been replaced by muscle! I go to the gym and have an amazing leg press which is unheard of for a girl.. like over 200 pounds! I can jump too, doing plyometrics and explosive weight lifting has increased my vertical.

When I hit a cheer jump, and it is nice, hight, and I land beautifully, it feels so awesome.

and yet I come home every night, and diaper up and and softly snuggly up with my bunnies as I sleep.

Before I sleep I play though many scenes of my little story, some happy some sad...

It is nice :)

and now that it is cold, I am sleeping well, and I may be waking up wet yet again. Better safe than sorry...

of corse I have been sleeping "better safe than sorry" for so long now, I can't even remember what it is like to not be diapered as I sleep anymore. odd... but could be worse i suppose

Thursday, November 4, 2010


wow! my life is really progressing in a positive direction.

I had the time of my life when I was in America

I know which city I want to live in (despite the costs, I want to make it true)

I am much stronger and more flexible than ever before

My dreams are coming true, slowly but surely!!

and with that... I still find myself dressed like an infant as I sleep. a result of a weak little bladder...

and you know I really don't mind at all. I am too positive and in a constant positive state of being I can see the good in everything. I think that is why I adapted to my situation so well.

Even though I am loosing one of my jobs, I am taking advantage of my newfound free time by working out and bettering myself in one way or other!

and I really hope that all of you can do the same...

I am also glad I found my sport too :)