
Monday, April 26, 2010


Well it was warm today, but it is going to be winter like and cold and rainy tomorrow. But I will stay warm.

Lately I have been going to the park to do some running. I often see little toddlers playing in the sandbox.
I can't help but think about how they must feel wearing their diapers all the time

my AB side always gets to me... I kind of envy them in one little way I guess

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

National Poetry Month

April is national poetry month, so i guess i will try. No need to say what this is about

nightly rituals
daily joy
taken away on a journey to a far away land so close to home

incredible comfort
remarkably relaxed
protection from all the worries this world can bring

constant feeling
endless reminder of always being there

Sweet soft smell
slight little crinkle
sensational ride beyond the wildest of imaginations

growing older
blurring of age
growing up to the sweet child so meant to be

bunny warmth
bunny snuggle
loving snuggly care no medicine can ever provide

Broken body
mended heart
Delightfully sleeping peacefully night by night

Friday, April 16, 2010

i have a cold..

Well the temperature here has really been up and down and up and down. We have had one nice spring day followed by a week of cold and rain. This last week has been really dramatic. On monday it was raining and cold at about 50 degrees... tuesday it was around 70~75 degrees and sunny, Wednesday it went back down to 40 and has stayed there since. It even snowed a bit this morning!

This is very strange weather for spring in Japan. Normally it is around 60 degrees and rising in April.

and well this month and a half of up and down weather has finally caught up to me. I have caught a cold. yucky!

Sleeping is always tough when you have a cold, but I have found that having a diaper on makes it a bit more bearable. Normally It takes me hours to fall asleep when I have a cold. But this time it only takes me only 20~30 min. I just diaper up, snuggle my bunny under my blankets and get all comfy.

Monday, April 12, 2010


You know, there is something kind of magical about sleeping in diapers.
This is one of my favorite things.... after I put my diaper on and pajamas... I get under my covers and just melt. There is something about wearing a diaper and being all tucked into bed which just feels magical.

Then snuggling up with a stuffed animal just feels special. I have my bunny, of course.

being tucked into bed while wearing a diaper is just wonderful.

When I wake up i don't really feel the night magic as much. it is more contentment in the morning. Wet or dry, I am just content.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well spring has finally decided to come to Japan. The weather is nice, the bunnies are hopping, and I am feeling much better now than I was a few weeks ago. I also started my running again.
I went out running with a friend this time. Normally I do it alone..

Now when I am running I am thinking about only the finish line, and how great it will be to just reach my goal.

I get home and I shower and then it is diaper time. I diapered myself up and fell asleep rather easily. It felt really good.

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder what it is like to run in diapers. It must get awfully hot. I remember Adrian talking about it on her blog. You really wound need a diaper that would keep you dry. But I can imagine how hot it would be

Well, that is the good thing about my situation. I only need diapers at night and when I want to be a baby.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

all day every day...

A lot of AB/DL's like to fantasize about being in diapers 24/7. While I am an AB bed-wetter, and I sleep in diapers, I often wonder if I can be in diapers 24/7. I know better enough to be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it.

I suppose that maybe I will try it for fun around the new moon (when I strongly feel the need to be a little baby anyway), but If it ever came to the point where I needed diapers 24/7 I wonder if i could keep the same feeling of happiness i have with them as I have now?

Perhaps I could, since I tend to try to make the best of any situation. But I do know that realistically, it would be an emotional roller coster for quite a while. I suppose it would be like moving to a new country. At first you think it is great, then after about 3 months culture shock begins to set in. Culture shock is mostly accompanied my depression and feelings of loneliness, you also begin to hate things that you once liked. It takes about 3-6 months for culture shock to wear off, but sometimes people never get over it.

Culture shock comes in waves, a lot of ups and downs...

And I think that going into an all-diapered lifestyle would be very similar. Sure at first it would feel nice and happy, but then after a while you will get down. Then if you keep it up you will be happy again, followed by another depression.. and it would take a while before it becomes just a part of who you are.

Personally, I am content with wearing diapers at night. I see no problem in it at all, even though my bed wetting isn't too bad anymore. But I don't think I would be able be in diapers 24/7. at least not yet.

but perhaps I will try it... just for a few days at a time.

I don't know...

we'll see

Friday, April 2, 2010

oh dear! tomorrow is Easter!! I am so not ready yet! The bunnies and I have a lot to do
and alas I have to work all day long today and tomorrow.

oh well, as long as I have my bunnies, I'll be fine.