
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

diapers among other things.

You know, Adrian has a point in her last blog. The problem with the AB/DL community is is toooo focused on just diapers. You cant go there to make friends, unless all you talk about is diapers.

I am a (now occasional) bed wetter who love sleeping in her diapers a lot. I can't imagine NOT sleeping in diapers because I find the whole thing to be so relaxing and perfect for falling asleep. I enjoy being a playful little AB who loves her plushie bunnies to death.

My good friends all know, and none of them has ever been nothing but 100% supportive of me. But I rarely talk diapers with them. We always have so many other things to talk about! In fact I pester my friends with my cheerleading more than anything. I force my friends to chant with me too! To me, even doing simple chants makes me super happy, maybe more so than my diapers... well it is hard to say. it is an apples/oranges comparison. Running will make me happy, Dancing is awesome... bunnies are cute... bunnies are amazingly cute! I love love bunnies!!

gee there are so many things I love.

But I started this blog just so that I can have a place to talk about my bedwetting and diapers without constantly bothering my friends about it. They all know my blog, and they can read it if they want to. However, I don't want to make diapers the only think I talk about with my friends, or I will loose my friends.

and I am glad that my blog is pretty quiet, without much of a following. I would not like it if i got a lot of nasty comments from DLs who would want me to post pictures, or ask me when I wet... I just don't like that.

anyway, it is late at night and my bunnies are telling me sleep sleep sleep. I am all ready too.. so I had better head off

nighty night!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

summer wont end...

Well i heard that they think this tokyo heat wave will continue until october!! so that is one more month of 95~100 degree weather for me! Oh yucky! I want to move back to the top of the cool mountains where I came from!!

In fact I have decided that this should be my last year in Japan. I like it, yes, but I have no reason to stay... and I have a big reason to go to California. I am thinking around San Francisco would be nice for me. There are some japanese places so I wouldn't feel too sad. That and it is cool all year around!

Sleeping has been tough in this heat, especially where you are diapered! I sleep on TOP of my bed and cover myself up with a light baby blanket (with a bunny on it) and I snuggle my bunnies and try to sleep. It has been hard, but i do my best.

well time for me to get moving this morning. I do some sort of working out every day! Yesterday I found some great ab work outs which I need specifically for my dream! They are hard, but will get better in a few week!

just keep at it, and you will get better

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

it is so hot

it is so so so so hot here around Tokyo. The temperatures are up in the high 90s, plus we get reflected heat from all the pavement. But that is not the worse of it. It is hot so everybody uses their air conditioner, which in turns produces MORE heat. All that air-conditioned heat from tokyo moves to where I live and dumps down. So it ends up being well over 100 degrees plus high humidity... I cant really don't like it.

it is so hard to get a good nights sleep. It is hard to fall asleep even with my bunnies and diapers (which I need to fall asleep anymore) Then I wake up really really early and cant get back to sleep.

This year is really hard, but I am still fighting and pushing forward! I still managed to keep on working out and doing what I need to do to meet my goal.

Hopefully it will cool down soon though

Monday, August 16, 2010

I went on vacation

Hi everybody. It is sooooo hot this time in Japan so I took a little vacation just to escape the heat. Went someplace cool.

I had to stay in a hotel with my friend... and this was perhaps the first time I have ever been diapered in the same room with another person, and the other person knew all about it.

In fact, she is my friend who really supported me 110% and really encouraged me when I told her that I wanted to wear diapers to deal with my leaky bladder. She even supported my decision to make my diaper-wearing as babyish as possible...

The first night was ok. But the second night I ended up drinking too much (thanks to my friend who kept on ordering me drinks) The night before I went to bed I told her that I was worried about really wetting myself... she said that I was a baby and if it happens I would be OK. So yeah, I did wake up wet on the second day. It was the first time in a while I woke up wet too. I guess my biggest worry was making sure the smell didn't spread throughout the day. A lot of powder helped keep the smell down... and the fact that I didn't wet TOO badly helped as well.

Anyway, It was nice to escape the heat for a few days. I am looking forward to going to the USA in the fall!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thanks Nasty

Hi hi!
wow Nasty, Thank you for all 11 of your comments! I don't have the time to reply to them all, but I am really happy to read them all.

I do have some news for you! I started yoga myself too!

gee I haven't been writing much in my story lately... I have been working out!!

Maybe i should start, but for now I need to sleep!

thanks again

Monday, August 2, 2010


Hi hi
Aimee here! You know I have been working really really hard on making my dreams come true

Most people are supportive of me and push me to go further

Sometimes I do get nasty criticism. In fact yesterday my cowokers told me that there is NO WAY I can do what I want to do.

so what did I do?

Did I cry? NO

Did I feel bad? NO (in fact, I kept on smiling)

I took the bad criticism and used it as an reason to push myself even harder.

So when people say bad things about you, prove to them that they are WRONG! Show them that you can do it!

good luck
