
Monday, August 2, 2010


Hi hi
Aimee here! You know I have been working really really hard on making my dreams come true

Most people are supportive of me and push me to go further

Sometimes I do get nasty criticism. In fact yesterday my cowokers told me that there is NO WAY I can do what I want to do.

so what did I do?

Did I cry? NO

Did I feel bad? NO (in fact, I kept on smiling)

I took the bad criticism and used it as an reason to push myself even harder.

So when people say bad things about you, prove to them that they are WRONG! Show them that you can do it!

good luck


1 comment:

  1. Greetings. One final comment, and then I'll be off your hands and out of your hair. You could not, nor could anything I think, have said it better had you tried. You should be the person who gives pep talks, and yes I'm dead serious. People are often far meaner than they need to be, and I think a lot of this has to do with personal insecurity. They see your smiling face, hear of the reasonable and positive goals you set, see themselves in their own negative light and feel the need to hurl you down beneath them and crush your will and spirit in order to make themselves feel better about what they perceive, whether correctly or not, as their own inadequacy. Smiling and not letting it get to you will just anger them even more, but there's nothing you can do but keep your head up, or put your head down. It's a choice, and you are definitely doing the stronger thing and taking the high road. I applaud you, because not everyone has the self confidence and strength of will and inner being to pull that off, at least honesty and without BSing the world. I'm behind you all the way, and if there's anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know. With that, goodnight, and Godspeed on your merry way. By the way, have you heard about the new hospital that's being built right next to the Mayo Clinic? It's called the Miracle Whip clinic. And why are there so many ice cream Sundae parlors around insane asylums? I'll tell you why! Because they have more nuts than they know what to do with. Sweet dreams.
