
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

diapers among other things.

You know, Adrian has a point in her last blog. The problem with the AB/DL community is is toooo focused on just diapers. You cant go there to make friends, unless all you talk about is diapers.

I am a (now occasional) bed wetter who love sleeping in her diapers a lot. I can't imagine NOT sleeping in diapers because I find the whole thing to be so relaxing and perfect for falling asleep. I enjoy being a playful little AB who loves her plushie bunnies to death.

My good friends all know, and none of them has ever been nothing but 100% supportive of me. But I rarely talk diapers with them. We always have so many other things to talk about! In fact I pester my friends with my cheerleading more than anything. I force my friends to chant with me too! To me, even doing simple chants makes me super happy, maybe more so than my diapers... well it is hard to say. it is an apples/oranges comparison. Running will make me happy, Dancing is awesome... bunnies are cute... bunnies are amazingly cute! I love love bunnies!!

gee there are so many things I love.

But I started this blog just so that I can have a place to talk about my bedwetting and diapers without constantly bothering my friends about it. They all know my blog, and they can read it if they want to. However, I don't want to make diapers the only think I talk about with my friends, or I will loose my friends.

and I am glad that my blog is pretty quiet, without much of a following. I would not like it if i got a lot of nasty comments from DLs who would want me to post pictures, or ask me when I wet... I just don't like that.

anyway, it is late at night and my bunnies are telling me sleep sleep sleep. I am all ready too.. so I had better head off

nighty night!


  1. I never talk to my friends about diapers inless they ask me something about them and if you move i hope you stay safe and enjoy your life and theirs little tokyo in los angeles,_Los_Angeles,_California I hope you keep writting your blog i really enjoy it and maybe i will run into you in calaforina lol :) .

  2. Tony, thanks for the comment. Yes, moving is going to be hard, but it will be good.
    I am looking at going back to the city by the bay myself. It is cooler than LA ; )

  3. Greetings. Just wanted to say hello. I am very happy right now, but also tired, so even though it is sunny out I might have a nap. Have a fabulous day, hope your week goes wonderfully and that you stay cool.

  4. Thank you nasty. I am trying to stay cool!!
