
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

it is so hot

it is so so so so hot here around Tokyo. The temperatures are up in the high 90s, plus we get reflected heat from all the pavement. But that is not the worse of it. It is hot so everybody uses their air conditioner, which in turns produces MORE heat. All that air-conditioned heat from tokyo moves to where I live and dumps down. So it ends up being well over 100 degrees plus high humidity... I cant really don't like it.

it is so hard to get a good nights sleep. It is hard to fall asleep even with my bunnies and diapers (which I need to fall asleep anymore) Then I wake up really really early and cant get back to sleep.

This year is really hard, but I am still fighting and pushing forward! I still managed to keep on working out and doing what I need to do to meet my goal.

Hopefully it will cool down soon though


  1. Greetings. I tried to access this site, and swear I got it right, but couldn't access it. I tell you it sent me into a near panic, pathetic as it certainly sounds. I had to go find you on Adrian's site. Anyway, I am sorry that things are so hot, and wish you could have some of this cool weather we are experiencing. It is absolutely wonderful! It looks like you now have the heat we had during the past couple of weeks. It's been really quite horrid lately. Anyway, don't really know what else to say. I really do hope things cool down a bit. My only advice is to drink plenty of water, and maybe try using a cotton blanket/top sheet, or one that will absorb sweat rather than trapping it against the skin. I have a blanket that is made of some kind of polyester material that doesn't absorb sweat, but keeps it pressed against the skin so I just feel all clammy and disgusting. So when it gets hot and humid, I use a blanket that is made of cotton lining. By the way, I ate the best grapefruit yesterday. It was SO good, words can't describe it! Have a fabulous day, and stay cool if you can. If there's water around, I hope you get the chance to jump in.

  2. Greetings. Here is a video that I think you will like. It's a bunny video. have a pleasant weekend.

  3. hehehe i will tell you how I sleep in my next post :) but yeah, this summer is a killer!

    thanks for the BUNNY video!!
