
Friday, August 6, 2010

Thanks Nasty

Hi hi!
wow Nasty, Thank you for all 11 of your comments! I don't have the time to reply to them all, but I am really happy to read them all.

I do have some news for you! I started yoga myself too!

gee I haven't been writing much in my story lately... I have been working out!!

Maybe i should start, but for now I need to sleep!

thanks again


  1. Greetings. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you back. I went through a very busy and somewhat dark time, and just didn't feel like sharing it with anyone. No need to reply, I know you have a life. How is yoga treating you then? It does take some getting used to, so I wouldn't be surprised if it takes you a while to get the flow right. If there is anything I can do to be of assistance, i'm always here if you want me. How are things otherwise? Have a phenomenal weekend, and best of luck in this heat wave. I hope it cools down soon.

  2. well so far so good. I am taking a lesson once a week. I really really need to improve my hip flexibility and I want to train my body to do the splits and full straddle. any advice on how to do that?

  3. Greetings. We don't do strattles or splits, because Integral hatha is very much more about living an easeful, peaceful, joyful and useful life than it is exercise. I can ask around for you, but don't know myself. There's a bunch of things you can do for the hips, including some hip opening poses. I'm not sure if these comment boxes have enough room to describe the poses, and won't pry into contact details, so I'll try to find links to descriptions for you. I'll get on that tomorrow morning. I'm so happy right now that everything is tinged with a peaceful glow. Things are not going perfectly, but life is still what you make it, and I am endeavoring to make it wonderful. Much of that I owe to your example. Have a pleasant day, and please feel free to remind me if I should forget to send you links to hip opening poses. I know there must be pics and descriptions somewhere, just got to look. Cherio!

  4. I have found quite a bit of information all ready. I mean, I need to be good at this stuff before I start cheering. I like the idea of cheering, because i like to make people feel happy :) such a perfect thing for me to do

    I am happy that you are happy

  5. Greetings. I Heart Diapers has a new review of the Bambino Teddy diapers, which I would love to get hold of if money was available. If you haven't seen it, I thought you might like to know. I hope things are well for you. It is SO completely sweltering here, I'm glad I am not incontinent or in need of diapers for once. Anyway, things have been so busy around here, got to go do more chores. Have a fabulous day.

  6. Greetings once again. I hope you're going either way up in New England, or out west to Washington or something. Even places like Boston, that aren't usually very hot, are having record breaking heat spells these days. I don't know how the less populated areas of the country, like Wyoming, are doing though. It's been hot as a box in a forest fire around here, and we've been finishing off the upstairs attic, which feels like the inside of a steam room... on a good day. If you come to a place that has an Integral Yoga Center, I'd highly recommend trying it out. Of course, the one I like best is in New Berlin PA, where I teach every Friday at 5:30 and some Wednesdays at the same time, but there are others around the country. The first class is free, but I always joke with people that if you show up twice, I won't see you, thus can't charge, which Sudharman's daughter probably wouldn't like if she heard. Their website is, though the site has not been updated since probably 2002 or so. It still has Sudharman as the leader, with an outdated schedule and his old Email, but it also has pictures and links to the other ashrams and centers throughout the country. I do agree that there should be more info on how to set the tapes on disposables, because every place on line that gives instructions on how to change one says you just fasten the tapes, as if it's that simple. If you put them on too tight, they may break and you might have leaking problems if liquid can't flow and wick throughout the garment, but if it's too loose it might sag too much and pull the leg cuffs and/or leak guards away from the skin, which is obviously a bad thing especially when there's wetness around. I left a comment to that effect. Honey the fat Lab is whining and crying, but I don't know what she wants because she doesn't want to go out. She probably wants to get the bats, but they are way up in the attic and only fly into the house sometimes. They haven't gotten many rabbits lately, which always makes me happy, but Moe has been killing groundhogs with wreckless abandon, which I also don't much like even if it is natural for them to do. Anyway, off to feed Honey or something, because she's keeping me awake. Wel, the fun and excitement of talking about diapers is too, but she's the one who woke me and caused me to grab the laptop anyway. Sorry for being a windbag.
