
Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy to be of service.

Yeah! So one of my faithful readers, Tony, just told me he got some Japanese cloth diapers. He got them from the same company I order from, Omutsu and Pants (Omutsu is diaper in Japanese).

I like them because they custom make the diaper covers for you. You get to choose the style and the fabric. Of course I always choose the fabrics with bunnies (Ok, so I have some strawberry diaper covers too. But they are cute)! It takes about a week or two for them to make the diaper covers for you.

They also make some baby clothes, which I am always going back and fourth about buying. My AB side really wants to dress up like a baby every now and then, but my A side is too frugal (hence I chose cloth in the first place)

They make some really cute things, but they ship only in Japan

Tony had a way to get them to the US through a friend. So if you can find a way to order some diaper covers from O&P go for it!

here is their website again


  1. Greetings. I've been having loads of trouble posting comments, so I gave up for a while. Long time no see, so I figured I'd pop in. Do you ever look at who's stopping by for a visit, or is there even a way to do that? First of all, I'm glad to see Tony's diaper situation worked out so he could get some. Second, as for thickness, I do agree that thicker gives the feeling of greater security, but there comes a time when something is just TOO thick. There is a time and a place for something like an Abena X-Plus, the thickest disposable of which I am aware, but I wouldn't wear that all the time, especially when all that absorptive capacity isn't necessarily needed. The only time I REALLY went in for thick is when I thought the night might be long and/or heavier than usual, and during occasions when changing would be out of the question for many hours, such as multi-hour classes and car trips. I also chose thicker varieties when sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings for two reasons, not to ruin the hotel or other person's bed and because I didn't always know how to even get to the bathroom anyway. I have a phobia of public rest rooms, and though most would call me crazy, if it comes down to using public facilities versus using a diaper... the latter wins hands down every time. Finally, I recently discovered what has turned out to be my favorite diaper short story of all time. The Double Life of Ariel Crawford and its sequel and prequel are my favorite novels, but the link below will lead you to my favorite short story. It is short, exceedingly heart meltingly sweet, exactly what I like to read in a good story. It is very well written, no adult content or raunchy stuff at all, just a very simple story of nurturing and caretaking. I've always wanted to be in the shoes of a caretaker like the one in the story below, though the care recipiant may be either gender. The link is below, and I really hope you enjoy this one. Have a fabulous weekend, and stay cool.

  2. hey
    sorry for the late reply! I was on a little vacation. But i did manage to still sleep in my diapers. I wonder if a thick diaper would be good for work... it would make work more comfortable, that is for sure. And yes, public restrooms can be a nightmare, but they can also be so much better here in Japan.

    I loved the little story you sent me. I could so easily be the little girl on the swing, even after my higher education and advanced degree. I could just be a baby forever somedays

    in fact i have a diaper story I have been thinking of. I don't a safe place to submit it. anyway it is time for me to snuggle my bunnies and go to sleep


  3. Greetings. I am sorry it has been a while since my last comment. My teacher, guru and yoga instructor, Sri Swami Sudharman, was shot and killed in his residence on Sunday night and found Monday afternoon, and things have been extremely difficult for all concerned. (Yes, it's true, and if you look it up you'll find more than you can stomach.) I have been feeling immense peace to match the grief and sorrow, but do not feel at this point that I am ready yet to match your constant boundless exuberance. I am glad for it, and find it immensely comforting that people still do what they do, the world keeps turning. I will provide further commentary as I have time. As it is, I'm glad to see you still happy and up and doing, and greatly look forward to hearing your story and all about your endeavors as a cheerleader, gymnast or whatever you choose to become. As I have since I first encountered you, I am endeavoring to follow your example and be constantly positive no matter what life throws my way, and this really has prevented me from falling over the edge into the bottomless abyss of grief at the senseless, untimely and unnecessary loss of the man who was, to me, closer than kin, dearer than life, deep as the sea and wise as a lord of legend. Have a pleasant weekend, and Namaste. In case you aren't familiar with the term Namaste, it means all the very best in me greets all the very best in you.
