
Friday, June 4, 2010

My favorite story

Well if this doesn't say I am an eternal child, nothing will

My favorite story of all time is Alice in Wonderland. I have read the book about a million times, I know a lot of cute little alice references, I have seen many Alice movies (in fact there have been more movies made of Alice than you know.. it is very common)

The new movie was OK. Being a big Alice fan I didn't go in expecting to see Alice as in the book. In fact, NO alice movie is like the book. It had its things that annoyed me, and delighted me. I wont go into details, but the things that were made up were annoying, and all the tiny references to the two little books delighted me. the music was really good too.

But I, like most Lolita girls, am obsessed with Alice. Ok, so I did wear my Alice dress when I saw the movie :) and I plan on making another one.

I think I can easily be diapered up and dressed like Alice... I mean, NOBODY would ever know unless my diaper leaked. But the dresses are so expensive... I am soooooo obsessed with keeping my diapers from leaking.

I downloaded the Almost Alice soundtrack from itunes. I kind of like it because all the songs are Alice-themed. It is a nice 'lounge around in your diaper and draw a picture' soundtrack.

Anyway, I guess being a baby is part of Aimée's wonderland :)

What about you? what stories do you like? do you have any diaper music?


  1. Greetings. It's been a while, been busy and haven't felt like bugging anyone. I like the book, but am more a science fiction and fantasy lover. Have you ever read At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald? That is one of my favorite books, and I think you might enjoy it. It is available on Project Gutenberg if you read Etexts, but is still in print as well. I also like books about animals, whether fiction or nonfiction. True crime is pretty good before bed reading, and no I'm not joking either. I read horror and true crime before bed, but I don't get the visuals that give people nightmares so I haven't had too many problems as a result. As for diaper music, it's the same thing I listen to while relaxing in an undiapered state, i.e. meditation and relaxation music. There's a time for Simon and Garfunkel, R.E.M., Coldplay and Evanescence, but I only listen to those while writing or working out most of the time, not while trying to relax. I love too many composers and producers of Classical and New Age music to mention here, but anything ambient or Classical or New Age is great for me. Anyway, have a great day. I hope things stay good for you.

  2. Blind. It is nice to have your comments again. It was getting pretty lonely without them. I can't watch horror movies at all! too scarrrrrrry for me and my bunnies! we like happy things, in general. I will listen to Classical and New Age too.
