
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy birthday to me

Oh dear!
I forgot! Thursday was my birthday...

well not my birthday as in the day I was born, but my birthday as the day I was... re-born. February 18th 2009 was the day when I went back into diapers to deal with my bedwetting. I made it such a wonderfully warm experience... i cried because i felt so happy. I still feel happiest when I am all ready for bed...

the fact that I tend to naturally have wet diapers in the morning is nothing compared to the happiness i fee at night. It doesn't even bother me.. I don't even think about it. I have had no real problems because i refused to make it a problem.

anyway, happy birthday... or re-birthday to me :) I am now 1 year old!


  1. AKbound
    I got some new diaper covers last month... so i guess that is my present.
    But on my birthday night... I got to snuggle up with my bunnies and sleep in totally happiness. I don't really need anything else :)

  2. Greetings from Nasty, formerly Abortion Wannabe. Trying for something humorous but less depressing. Anyway, happy belated birthday, hope things only get better from here. The only thing I have ever found that tops the feelings to which you refer, which in my opinion are well worth the social stigma, is yoga, or meditation to be more specific. Sheer bliss, joy unsurpassed, there's nothing like it. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do with the rest of your life. If you keep us informed, we'll keep reading. Have a pleasant day, and all the best.

  3. Nasty
    I am happy you are now able to leave comments.
    I like meditation too! I also draw pictures and play music.
    my bunnies and my cute fashion makes me happy too

    Overall I am very happy person. Diapers. well they have become my bliss!! I love the feeling of of just being back in them. Wearing a diaper and snuggling a bunny is my daily magic

    I promise to keep on writing
