
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

bunny snuggle

you know what i love... whenever i put on my diaper I feel like I am just melting... I just love that feeling where you just breath out and you can feel all stress and pressure melt away from your heart!

everything bad just melts away!

and then I grab my snuggle bunny and get some bunny snuggles. Just having one of my bunnies with me really helps my child like side just sink in

I just love the snuggly feeling of it all.

I also love bunnies.

Just as a little aside, I always donate money to rabbit rescues. I just donate a few dollars every now and then... but if that can buy some of the bunnies some fresh hay or help them get a loving warm home, it is worth it. Even though I am a half a world away, I give some money to the love-a-bun rabbit rescue in Florida

I want a pet bunny... well two bunnies really badly. However since i live in Japan and I don't know how long I am going to stay, I cant adopt some. Maybe if i were to move back to the states I could have a bunny... but that would be a financial suicide nowadays...
we'll see...

until now, if you go to the animal shelter, think about taking home a bunny... they are full of snuggles!


  1. Greetings. I like rabbits as well, used to raise them and show them at fairs when we were 4H kids. I still feel bad for hunting them in the fields and forests and eating them with my father when I was young. They can scratch and be very nasty to each other, but they are soft and wonderfully fuzzy and alive. My dogs love bunnies too, but for very different reasons than you... It's just such a shame everything wants to eat them; dogs, coyotes and the like. My favorite part of them is the floppy ears, which are always wiggling and flapping around. Rabbits are so warm and fuzzy, and when you hold them you can feel their hearts pounding away in their chests, noses wiggling and ears moving too and fro. My aunt used to have a huge fat bunny whose name I forget, but I called her Jabba after the Hutt from Star Wars. She looked like a fat wiggling ball with floppy ears, and loved to be held until she had babies, which she jealously guarded and defended. I have lots of bunny stories, some good and others bad, but spending ones life on farms and in the countryside gives one plenty of opportunities to encounter these delightful creatures. I used to also have an Easter bunny that I slept with when I was young, had a whole bed loaded with stuffed animals of every shape, size and description. Then I discovered the joys and problems of having real live furry things sleeping in ones bed. By the time the huge yellow lab comes to bed, and this is a twin by the way, there's no room for anything or anyone else. Thanks for the memories, keep it up please.

  2. ahhhh I grew up in Wyoming, and there were always a lot of wild rabbits.. it is too bad that they are towards the bottom of the food chain. They are soooooooooooooooooo cute and cuddly!
    please feel free to share your bunny stories!

  3. Greetings. By requesting bunny stories I assume you DON'T want bunny/doggie stories, because those usually don't have a happy ending. Well, not for the bunny anyway, though the dog is very pleased... As I said, my aunt had rabbits, and sometimes they would let you hold them and pet them. Rabbits tend to scare very easily though, and you have to be careful lest they jump straight out of your arms and run about the house, leaving pellets everywhere like a trail of breadcrumbs. Rabbits can really fight though, especially the bucks I believe they're called. They fight with hind feet and teeth mostly, from what I've seen. We always gave our rabbits whatever was left over from the garden, carrot leaves and lettuce that wasn't eaten and the like. You always see bunnies with carrots in the pictures and Easter stuff, but they only eat the leaves. We were always generous with ours though, because there was no way they could get into the garden. We had a bunch of them in a big fenced in area with their own hay filled dog house when I was younger. It really pissed the dogs off that they couldn't get in and wipe out the lot of them, (just imagine all those little dinners running around behind the fence, it's enough to drive anyone mad!) but the bunnies were quite happy and had lots of room to run and play and fight if they wanted. They would cower in their doghouse whenever the dogs were sniffing around, but when the dogs went in they came out and played and hopped around like rabbits will. It must be fun to be a bunny, when you don't have something huge coming after you. I'd rather be a stuffed bunny, at least they get love. Well, the dogs love those too, for very similar reasons. Dogs are so much fun, but boy do they like to kill things! I call the Yellow Lab Honey fat bunny because her fur is so soft and sleek, like a giant bunny with a tail that scores home runs with everything on the coffee table. Anyway, my sister won plenty of awards from her 4H rabbits, but I was more interested in launching rockets and shooting guns, both of which won me awards. I only grew to love rabbits recently, watching the ones in the doghouse day after day. So happy and care free and playful, hopping around as if the world is all hunky dory. When I was little I had a stuffed bunny with a tiny electronic music box in it that played "In Your Easter Bonnet" and "Peter Cottontail" when pressed. I had that for years, don't know what happen to it. I then had another one a few years later whose floppy ears were so silky and soft. The outside was fur, but the insides were satin and so soft that I can still remember stroking them at night. Anyway, I should probably sign off now, always such a prodigious windbag. Have a pleasant evening.
