
Monday, July 12, 2010

It is not very very hot!!
oh and sleeping in a diaper, that makes it even HOTTER. My bunnies are all bleh, and nobody can sleep well.

Does anybody have any tips for sleeping well in the summer?

Funny I have been really working out and it does knock me out, but I wake up early.

but it seems my diapers are getting a little bit bigger, since I am getting a little bit smaller...

anyway, I hope you have a nice day

1 comment:

  1. Greetings. It has been hot here as well, and EXTREMELY humid to boot. It's so bad that it is hard to be outside even when it isn't broiling in the sun. There has been little rain lately, and this heat combined with lack of water has been sheer hell for the poor garden. I don't have any tips for you, because I can't sleep either. Working out is hard for me in the heat and humidity, but I do it anyway. Yoga is also extremely taxing, but well worth the effort. It may sound ridiculous, but despite the risk, I find that staying very well hydrated helps me sleep. Having a stomach somewhere between full and empty is also good if you can manage it, at least it is for me. Fans and air conditioners obviously make life that much easier, as do light blankets that don't cling if they get sweaty. A major problem for me is getting sweaty, which in my case is bad enough to stain sheets, blankets an pillow cases, so it helps me to wear clothes that absorb sweat and don't trap it against the skin so you wake up clammy and hot. I also wear bug spray to bed, because I don't have a net and the bugs LOVE LOVE LOVE to consume my blood and flesh. I always get at least a few bites per night. If you wake up hot, something icy cold might help a bit as well. I really don't know what else to tell you though, because I have trouble dealing with that same issue. Have a pleasant day, and best of luck staying cool.
