
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

nothing new :) just here with my bunnies. I kind of slept in today since I don't have to work (scary! me not working?)

I haven't been wetting me bed so much lately. I don't know it kind of goes in and out in phases.. I suppose I could sleep without a diaper tonight and wake up dry. That is, if i could even fall asleep without a diaper anymore. Probably not.

I have always had a touch of insomnia, and have always had a hard time falling asleep. I can not for the life of me sleep in a moving vehicle, whether it be a bus, train, airplane or whatnot. If somebody is snoring, I can not sleep period.

It normally takes me 40~60 min to fall asleep. Even my mom had trouble putting me to sleep when I was a baby...

It was really bad when I was a teenager, when it would take me 90~120 min!

But I have noticed that ever since I started wearing diapers at night, I have found it easier to fall asleep. I now can fall asleep in 20~30 min.

I guess being all diapered up helps remind my body of being a baby and relaxes me enough to fall asleep easier.

So I guess even though my wetting isn't so bad at this time, I still have another reason to keep on wearing diapers as I sleep...


  1. Greetings. Sorry if the last comment was too long, two comments at once in there. Anyway, you are not alone with insomnia. Being blind, and lacking a pituitary gland to produce and regulate hormones, my biological clock or circadian rhythm is completely screwed up. Until my parents found this out when I was 12 or 13 I just didn't sleep. I'd not be able to sleep until I got completely exhausted, then I'd sleep for 12 to 18 hours. I would then repeat the cycle over again, this lasting for years. Once I started taking a rather large dose of melatonin every night, and with the occasional help of a lovely drug known as ambien or zolpedem, I now get somewhat better sleep. (I say ambien is lovely because it gives me the feeling of floating and/or flying without having to go look for and risk purchasing something illegal. In my high school and college days I used to hoard it and go on little trips, usually on weekends when I wouldn't be missed. I never got into the drinking or illegal drugs scene, but boy did I enjoy a select few prescriptions that I definitely did NOT take as directed... It causes hallucinations too, nothing bad but just weird. It also makes you do things without remembering, sometimes dangerous ones like walking across town to get something to eat at about 2 AM, crossing two busy streets without any memory of having done it. It also makes you say and write things that make absolutely no sense, but these things only happen when you take it and endure the initial temptation to fall asleep. I also used to mix it with imipramine, amatryptiline and some other prescriptions I had, which was risky as all hell and very well could have killed me, but it sure was fun. Several times I would awaken from a 24 hour blackout only to have people asking me what the hell I was saying, writing or doing last weekend. I still have some archived ambien messages as I call them, which are quite amusing and nonsensical. God, those were the days! You talk about innocence, but that was about the time I lost what little I had left.) Anyway, that got me laughing. Where were we? Oh yes, I'm thrilled your enuresis has decreased in frequency. Nice as it is to be diapered up each night, I never enjoyed the prospect of not knowing how I would wake, especially because no matter how absorbent the product, nothing could seem to keep up with me at times. Anyway, I'm just glad mine has ceased. I hope you get what you desire, whether that be cessation or something else. Finally, I can't sleep while diapered, at least not well. I find it too exciting, and that makes it hard to sleep. I can't get the bloody things off my mind, which can be quite irritating despite the joy they bring. I never really did get used to the excitement of them either, that thrill of contentment tinged with uncertainty and just a hint of fear as to whether I would end up putting the pour thing to the ultimate test. Oh well, at least it makes things easier for you, which is perfectly splendid. As uncomfortable as the situation may be at times, it has brought both of us great joy and peace, something I kept even after mine came to an end. Anyway, I've bugged and probably irritated you enough, so I'll leave you in peace and shut my fat and flapping trap before I swallow all the flies in the area. Well, you get my drift. Have a phenomenal weekend, and the very best to you.
    Loka samasta sukino bhavanthu.
    May the entire universe be ever filled with peace and joy, love and light, health and happiness.

  2. Nasty blind
    Wow, it seems like you have had quite a life. All those drugs and strange appearances...I have never even thought about blind people hallucinating before today. I wonder what that is like? is it audio? is it emotional? is it visual?

    I have had a pretty normal life in comparison. yeah some pills here, and I have been on and off one which the doc thinks may have lead to my bedwetting in the first place.. but we don't really know 100% for sure.

    But I have never done anything bad... sometimes I drink a little, but that is about it. My bunnies and my diapers make me happy enough, I don't need to be messing around with the chemicals in my body :)

    I don't get excited by diapers, I just feel really at ease and content. It is very peaceful for me.

  3. Greetings. First of all, I honestly don't know what provoked me to write those crazy experiences down, though I had a heck of a laugh doing it. I don't take ambien anymore, haven't taken it since I started yoga. When you do it every day and are able to relax, you don't really need chemicals that make you do stupid things. Drugs and food, like tobacco and alcohol, can become a substitute for happiness when it just isn't there. When I got so sick of my mind being depressed that I wanted to rip it out and throw it out the third story window, oblivion seemed extremely attractive, so for a few hours or a day I'd just blow away my mind, going on a mini vacation of sorts. Plus, I've really calmed down after college, which was nothing if not a bad influence. As for hallucinations, since I've never been able to see, I have no concept of vision. It's all auditory and tactile for me, as is the case with my dreams in case you want to know. It's a question I'm often asked. Most of my dreams involve about 80% sound, 15% touch and 5% smell and taste. Other than the prescriptions, I was never very bad either. Well, I have blown up some things and set a few more on fire with my friends as a teenager, but nothing strictly illegal other than some massive firecrackers from out of state that set every dog in town howling and barking. Did you know you can set a snowman on fire? I didn't until my friend Luke doused one with kerosene and struck a match. BOY what fun that was, watching flaming Frosty meet his steamy demise. Anyway, too funny! I'm sorry, don't mean to sound too crazy. I really am mostly laid back, but there's that deeply burried streek of wildness from my father, who grew up in the heart of Philadelphia where the kids are as bad as they come sometimes. He has some stories that make mine seem like the small potatoes they are. Talk about crazy, some of the stuff they did... Anyway, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, so I hope it stays that way. It's wonderful to be positive and cheery, one of my New Year's resolutions for this year in all honesty. As for the peaceful feeling of diapers, I can identify with that. IN a dangerous and angry world, (not being pessimistic or paranoid, just bluntly realistic) they are one of few truly safe harbors that are always there, unlike people and animals. It's the same feeling I used to get from stuffed animals, who never die or leave you or betray you. They always agree with you, never lie to you, never wreck your house or eat all your food, carrot crunching bunnies apparently being the acception. Anyway, have a phenomenal holiday weekend, whatever that may entail, and stay gold. Please feel free, though not obligated, to write whenever you see fit. I'd gladly offer to get you something when I go Easter candy sale shopping on Monday if I could.
