
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where i get my diapers

Ok, I had a comment from tony which led me to a great idea for a post. He asked where I get my japanese diaper covers. Because they ARE cute. Well Lucky for me, I started bed wetting in Japan, where I do have access to some really cute diapers to make feel like a sweet little baby as I snuggle my bunny and sleep. I was really surprised :)

anyway, I order my diapers here:

There are a few other places to get them, but the sites are so awfully designed, I can't even order off them. O&P is easy to order from... IF you can order in Japanese that is

The disadvantage of o&p is that you need to speak japanese, and you need a japanese bank account to pay. Also they only ship in Japan, but I am sure you can use a special shipping service.

Anyway, they have a variety of different designs they make, and you get to choose which fabric they have. They also have a lot of options you can choose.. add lace, ruffles, little ties. I like the little hip ties the have stared to add because they are cute. The diapers covers are lined with a super soft plastic. I think they changed the plastic they use. Now it is a million times softer than before! It is pretty snuggly.

I have never had a problem with anything I have ordered from them : ) It has all turned out very cute

Now as for the diapers... I buy the fabric from baby stores or off If you search for 布オムツ (nuno omutu = cloth diaper) you will find this type of cloth
or even which are the diapers I use!! They have BUNNIES! and you can tell they are 34x70 cm. If you combine 10 or 12 of them they work really well for an adult. That is what I have been doing, and I have been happily sleeping since! They have done a wonderful job of keeping my bed dry for my bunnies.


  1. Thank you your post was very helpfull and you really gave me a lot of infromation. your blog continues to be one of my favorites. wish you all the best for you and your bunnies. Thank you again :)

  2. Tony
    your welcome :) good luck getting some japanese diapers... I am sure they are not easy to get out side of japan, but you can do it :)
    and my bunnies are happy!!

  3. Greetings. I'm sorry it's been so long, but I am still here, just been having computer troubles of all sorts and was at a retreat where I graduated from hatha teacher training. I hope you are doing well and that things are working according to your desires. I didn't realize how many baby diapers were required to produce just one for an adult, and it seems rather inconvenient to fold them all together if you ask me. I'm sure the thickness and softness make it well worth the time though. The dogs went after a big fat bunny today, but I am happy to say they were way too slow and dumb to catch it, lucky bunny. I wished its escape on your behalf, and was delighted it worked. I love bunnies too, and have a special affinity for them because I spend most of my life acting like one, scared and running from everything I fear, always looking over the shoulder for fear of the dreaded whatever it happens to be. By the way, if I may ask, do your bunnies seem real to you? Perhaps I should ask if they ARE real rather than whether they seem real? I mean, do they have personalities and human atributes that give them life well beyond their inanimate bodies, or is it the nature of the stuffed bunnies themselves that you like? For me it was both. Finally, I've been having the strangest, most intense desires for both the physical/psychological feelings of diapers and the joy of conversing with those who love them. I don't know why, but it's been well nigh overwhelming, despite or perhaps because I haven't been able to get much internet access lately. It's bugging the living daylights out of me, and lately I've been spending vastly inordinate amounts of time on blogs and sites reading about people having the experiences of which I can only dream and fantasise. For the first time in years, I recently read a piece I wrote in 2007 that vividly describes my ultimate desires and fantasies in this regard, and it literally made my chest hurt, some would say heart ache but I don't go in for sentimental stuff. It's great to not be totally depressed anymore, but not so great to have these cravings and no means of fulfilling them. Anyway, off to the next post and comment section. Have a pleasant weekend, and stay cheery. Namaste and everything else joyful.

  4. Nasty
    Congrats on graduating from your training! And thank you as always, for your comment.

    These cloth diapers are really not all that difficult to work with. It is just basically 10 pieces of cloth stacked on top of each other. I don't have to fold them... For a baby you do have to fold them. I think that would be more of a a hassle than what I am doing

    My bunnies, they are stuffed animal bunnies yes, but they are all so real to me. I am not crazy or anything, no.. but I just love them all so much. I did try to "grow up" and I stopped sleeping with my bunnies for a while. It didn't quite work, as I realized that I really need to snuggle with them and talk to them to make me feel good. I will always have bunnies.. I love them so..

    Good luck finding what your heart desires...

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