
Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well spring has finally decided to come to Japan. The weather is nice, the bunnies are hopping, and I am feeling much better now than I was a few weeks ago. I also started my running again.
I went out running with a friend this time. Normally I do it alone..

Now when I am running I am thinking about only the finish line, and how great it will be to just reach my goal.

I get home and I shower and then it is diaper time. I diapered myself up and fell asleep rather easily. It felt really good.

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder what it is like to run in diapers. It must get awfully hot. I remember Adrian talking about it on her blog. You really wound need a diaper that would keep you dry. But I can imagine how hot it would be

Well, that is the good thing about my situation. I only need diapers at night and when I want to be a baby.


  1. I used to have to wear during the day so i can say that running in diapers sucks and most exercise in diapers does its just to hot. Lucky now its just night time for me but that does not look like its going to change. your blog rocks :)

  2. Tony
    thanks for the comment :) I presumed it would get hot running in diapers. I guess another worry is the tapes coming off! That would not be fun.

    but i guess people do it, and they find a way

  3. Greetings. Tony's right, doing any strenuous work gets mighty hot, especially if it's also humid. He does have a point though, set your goals, stick to them and you'll do fine if you keep to it. I LOVE spring! That and autumn are my two favorite seasons by far, spring because of the flowers and autumn because of the fruits, especially apples! I LOVE APPLES! Anyway, glad to see you doing well and staying cheery. The dogs haven't gone near bunnies lately, which is always good since they have more than enough food to eat. Honey's fat already and Mo is on his way there, finally got his man dog body now. Have a pleasant day.

  4. Nasty Blind
    I also love spring and autumn, Summer in Japan is HOT and HUMID. Sleeping in diapers was pretty hot. Luckily I spent most of that time asleep. But I had to really powder myself to make sure i didn't get a rash.
    I love apples too, but they are pricy here. All fruit is. So I stick with veggies..

    and keep your dogs away from the bunnies.. I want to hear some happy bunny stories :)
    Stay happy
