
Monday, April 12, 2010


You know, there is something kind of magical about sleeping in diapers.
This is one of my favorite things.... after I put my diaper on and pajamas... I get under my covers and just melt. There is something about wearing a diaper and being all tucked into bed which just feels magical.

Then snuggling up with a stuffed animal just feels special. I have my bunny, of course.

being tucked into bed while wearing a diaper is just wonderful.

When I wake up i don't really feel the night magic as much. it is more contentment in the morning. Wet or dry, I am just content.


  1. Greetings. My wireless card died, so I've been out of touch for a while. I completely agree with the magic of your situation. For me, it's like entering a completely different state of mind, or headspace as some call it. The relinquishing of control to something other than a human, who will likely abuse it when given the opportunity, provides me with a great sense of complete relaxation and contentment in the knowledge that I have something that provides security and protection against something that is otherwise too embarrassing to even consider. This goes back to my earliest childhood routes, when every morning involved waking up soaking wet and smelling fowel, changing sheets and drying the bed pad. That sucked royally, and is one of the main reasons diapers became so attractive to me, despite my parents' occasional threts to put me back in them, which they never did. By the way, no bunny stories to be found lately. I did get a 9 ounce white chocolate bunny that took me a week to eat though, GOOD STUFF! Not much to say, just been having diapers on the brain lately. Can't get them out of my mind! I haven't had or worn any in two years, too depressed until recently to want anything to do with them. Now, everything I repressed for 3 or 4 years has come roaring back with redoubled intensity. I am glad to see you're still writing, and will keep an eye out for anything new. Have a pleasant day, and stay cheery.

  2. They do feel very secure. yes, changing a diaper is a million times better than changing sheets or cleaning a futon. When I started wetting that is what i had to do and it was a pain.
    Going back into diapers was really the best thing for me

    so you haven't been back in diapers for years... that is sad :/ you should go back in them even just for the feeling of security. that is why I still wear them

  3. Greetings. It is sad not to wear for whatever reason, but so is depression and life while suffering under its immense weight. It almost killed me, several times, or perhaps I should say I almost killed me to be more precise. Anyway, buying any of either kind is absolutely out of the question at this time, even though there's little more I want to do right now. I have a $360 bill for Yogaville and college loans will start coming due bloody soon as well. Not only that, I am currently living with my parents yet again due to cost of living expenses and a pretty much dead job market in the area, which obviously doesn't leave much room for privacy, even in a house where it's actually valued. Not complaining, just stating facts. When I was in college, because I was unable to get up the courage to just procure some diapers and unwilling to stain and ruin more than one bed, which you have to pay for if you do, I spent two years curled up on the floor under my bed instead, which did one hell of a number on my back but saved the nice bed from being all ruined. I washed my blankets once a week, usually in the middle of the night, and my night life wasn't worth the trouble. Things became SO much easier after I finally found XP Medical and brands that worked for me and procured just enough to keep without being a problem in a tiny dorm room, luckily single. I can't stand living with other people, and there's no privacy, something I crave for reasons obvious and not so obvious. Anyway, off to read about your cold. I really do hope you feel better. Vitamin C and loads of rest are my preferred cure-alls, but chocolate certainly helps too! Dogs, or stuffed animals I suppose, make for good company that doesn't worry about catching whatever you have. Have a pleasant weekend.

  4. I am sorry to hear you had a rough time in college. I can't image being a bed wetter and not having a good diaper. My diapers have saved my bed and bunnies many many times. My college dorm floor was this cold, ugly, hard tile...

    Anyway, try to stay positive. A positive attitude is key to having positive things come to you. I was mostly positive about my bedwetting and great things have happened since.

  5. Greetings. Was I not being positive? It didn't occur to me, though I suppose it might to someone else. If anything, I can only say that some things I say are not entirely serious. However, College was the best time of my life, never had better. The enuresis made things a bit difficult, but I was so used to it that it really didn't bug me at the time, at least not until I was able to change things. I now see that as a vicious cycle, one I am immensely glad to have since gotten rid of. Anyway, dishes time. There's lots to put away and a few to wash, but I love doing dishes. Mindless tedium is great when you have a hyperactive mind, as it can run free across the landscapes of ones consciousness without hindrence or other things to slow it down. That's why I loved being a clerical assistant. I don't know if you've ever had that kind of job, but when you're a clerical assistant you end up with the jobs no one else wants, like calling people who didn't pay their bills, preparing and sorting 2,000 folders ETC. That may sound negative, but it's real and I did it for several months. I enjoyed it though, being completely boring and tedius as it was, because it allowed the mind to float free for a time, and facilitated a sort of meditation that I've not experienced before or since. Anyway, exercise is good if you have the strength for it. Finally, I am pleased to report that, though the dogs chased a bunny through the fields yesterday, they didn't get it. Run bunny run! Have a pleasant day.
