
Monday, December 21, 2009

part 1

Well I guess I should begin by telling you what happened.

Last year at this time I took my medicine and I fell asleep like I normally do. I have been on and off this one type of medicine for years now, and it has done it's job. Well, this particular winter night I fell asleep snuggling my snuggle bunny like always. I fell asleep.

The next morning was a bit shocking, obviously. I was a little wet! Now it wasn't that bad, just a little wet in my jammies. I quickly checked my snuggle bunny to make sure she was ok! she was. It really wasn't too bad, but i was worried about it all day long.

The next night was a bit nerve-racking yes. I couldn't sleep well. But i was relieved when I woke up fine the next morning.

A week or so passed and everything was all right. Maybe that one time was just a strange bug or something.

But it happened again. A little more than last time.

After about the 3ed or 4th time, I went to the doc to see what was wrong. He said that maybe the pills I have been on and off (they do make me have to go to the bathroom quite a bit) has caused something funky with my bladder. No need to worry... he took me off my pills and gave me some other pills to help stop the bedwetting.
It should go away soon
Well, i had done some research on these pills... they basically make you bloated and make you feel ikky as you sleep.

I didn't have much money at the time, and I didn't care to feel ikky and bloated, so i didn't turn in the prescription.

In the middle of january, it started to get worse and worse. I was beginning to worry about my bunnies way too much. I had to try to clean my futon... which really sucked!

It got to the point were i was going to bed thirsty, without my snuggle bunny, worried all the time and not sleeping well at all!

So I sought out the advice of a trusted friend... who bluntly told me, "Aimée, you are in your 20's, yet you sleep with stuffed animals. You love lolita fashion... your still just a kid you know. "

Of course I agreed.

Then she told me "Just go a few more years younger, and you will be happy."

I knew what she had meant, and I had considered it. I knew if I had to do this, I had to do it right. I didn't want a granny 'adult brief' or something like that. I personally wanted it to look and feel babyish. I knew that this was the best way to make my sudden bed wetting a positive thing, and I knew that this would make me feel happy.

I also knew I couldn't do it alone, so I told my friend A-chan. She told me "Aimée, you ARE getting younger and younger! Knowing you, you HAVE to be a baby!" My dear K-chan told me "diapers are such a good idea! not only will you be safe at night, but you bunnies will be very happy too!"

With the support of my friends, I felt ready! Being in Japan, I found that I could go to the baby store and buy cloth diapers and get them to fit. They make cloth diapers here one-size-fits-all.
They are just cuts of fabric 35 by 70 cm long. A baby could use just one, but an adult can use 8-10.

I got some cloth diapers from a local baby store. Cute nursery printed diapers too :)
I ordered a nursery printed cover from an online store... with little cherries and strawberries on it.

On February 15th 2009, I returned back to my infancy
I will tell you more about that next time.

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